Welcome to my personal blog, design to accommodate what I've done, basically all of my experience to handle my PC but some of it you may seen post that is not related to the PC at all, because generally it's about what I do and what in my mind. i hope my personal blog usefull and helpfull at least give some ideas for everyone who ever read. For more information about policies,element and content inside of this Blog please read policies on Lain-lain menu below
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about software world which is unique, interesting or useful n supporting the performance of the PC Seputar Program          ↓
collection of tips and tricks, element 
 and contents blog  and how to modificationBasic Blogger                ↓
reviews, thoughts and ideas 
about software, hardware, blog 
or just 'unek-unek admin Artikel                            ↓
friend link or links that are considered genuine, interesting, unique, inspiring and full of ideas Sahabat                          ↓
it's all about how to maintain  
and repair our own software 
and hardware Perbaikan                       ↓
we missed something, we forgotten 
little things or we made lot of 
mistake, maybe d'answer right here Tips n Trick                    ↓
thousands of images and photos, 
which is  photo and image edited 
or some of it latest  activity of admin Gallery                             ↓

policies, contents and elements of the blogs are all here Lain-lain                         ↓